Thursday, January 31, 2013

Shave Like a Man With After Shave Balm and Straight Razors

Women love men with a clean-shaven look. What they often don't realize is that it's not all that easy! Men often have trouble with cuts and uneven shades. One thing that can cause these problems is using the wrong tools and not using after shave balm. I always recomemnd that men use a straight razor for a close shave, a manlier process and to shave less often.
Straight razors offer a closer shave than your standard sagfty razor. A safety razor is comprised of tiny, weak blades, lined up against each other at a nearly horizontal angle. You don't have much control over how the blade touches your skin and at what angle. With a straight razor, you have one large, strong blade that can be twisted and turned whatever way you like to get right against the hair and shave as closely as possible.
Have you ever picked up a safety razor and felt like it was a little wimpy? Safety razors are fine for handling basic scaping, like the legs, but you need a hefty razor to handle the coarse hair on your face. You need a man's razor! A safety razor is perfectly made for handling such a tough job. It's a manly razor for a manly process.
Since a straight razor offers such a close, fine have, you won't have to shave nearly as often. Once you get the hang of it, you'll probably be able to do a shave in just a matter of minutes. Since the blade is so big, it covers much more surface area at once. You can hold it off and instead of shaving daily, you can shave every few days. When you do shave, you can get it done rather quickly.
A clean shave is not always and easy thing to come by. When you're using a wimpy little safety razor, it can be extra difficult. If you ever experience problems when shaving, try out a straight razor. It can provide you with a closer shave, toughen up your grooming process and also cut down on your shaving time and frequency. Shave like a man, use a straight razor!

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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