Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why Would Anyone Not Go to College?

Sometimes I wonder why people decide not to go to college, especially when they're unemployed or working at a dead end job. You don't have to pay up front for your education and once you get your career, you won't even have to struggle to pay back your loans. With a college education from one of the many Colleges in Waco TX, you can earn yourself a big salary, happiness in your job and both status and success in your life.
College graduates have so many more job opportunities open to them in comparison to those with only a high school diploma or less. If you don't have a college degree, you're likely looking at a job in fast food or retail. You'll start out making minimum wage, currently $7.25. If you work 40 hours a week at $7.25, you'll make $290 a week, $1160 a month (before taxes!) or $13,290 a year. A doctor's starting salary ranges from $150,000 to $450,000, depending on the field. This is just an example of what you could be making but without a college degree, it's not likely that you'll make anywhere near this!
Another great thing that can come from a college degree is happiness in your job. Say you work forty hours a week... That's nearly two whole days out of your week! Do you want to spend them doing something you don't even enjoy? Personally, I don't even like cooking or serving for myself, there's no way I'd want to spend two days out of every week doing it for others! See, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, it's going to be a miserable like. However, if you find something you like and get a degree in that field, you can enjoy a job that actually piques your interests.
Lastly, let's not kid ourselves. How many people are proud to say that they work in fast food or retail? I'm not downing those jobs, but I know that they aren't generally thought too highly of. If you get a college degree, you'll have the opportunity to get a job of higher status. People will respect you, your career choice and your life style much more!
A college degree is really a great investment. There are many more job opportunities open to those with college degrees. You will be able to earn a higher salary, you will actually enjoy working and you will earn a higher status in society. It's never too late to go back to school and change your lifestyle!

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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