Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Crazy Plumbing Problem

At the first sign of a plumbing problem, it’s wise to call a plumber using your local Rotorooter service. My family has had our share of plumbing problems are we’ve learned this lesson all too well. It’s best to leave the plumbing problems to the experts. If you don’t, you can cause a lot of trouble.
One experience that helped us in learning our lesson was a time when my little brother broke our toilet. Supposedly, he clogged it up by accident and then tried to fix it himself. He’s such a curious little boy that my guess is that he tried to shove a toy or something down the drain and then tried to fix it before he got in trouble! No matter what he did to break it, he noticed that the toilet was acting funny and tried to be his own plumber. On the day of this incident, I remember seeing him playing around in the tool box but I thought nothing of it since that’s what kids do! I figured that he was just playing around so I ignored it. Later, he came running in to the living room, crying because he broke the toilet, “There’s a lot of water!” he was yelling.
When we got to the bathroom, water was shooting out of the toilet. At this point, the only thing that made sense to do was call a plumber. While we waited for him to arrive, which thankfully didn’t take long, we tried to find a way to stop the water from running out. It was no luck. Water was covering our bathroom floor and there was nothing we could do.
When the plumber got there, even he seemed a little taken aback. The important thing was that he knew how to fix it. He knew what he was doing and he kept the water damage in our bathroom to a minimum. We still had a mess to clean up but if he hadn’t have been there, we probably would have a fully flooded home.
In this situation, we were immensely thankful for our plumber. Of course, it wasn’t the first time and it surely won’t be the last. We’re used to plumbing problems but we always know to call the plumber when something goes awry. He’ll be able to solve our problem, quickly and easily.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.


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