Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fight Your Speeding Tickets

We've all been pulled over for minor traffic violations at one point or another. You miss a stop sign, pass on the right or go a few miles over the speed limit and you hear the cry of a cop car. Of course, speeding tickets California is famous for them! You need to get somewhere and don't have time to wait for a cop to write you up a ticket. You don't have the money to pay for the ticket, either. What do you do?

I've been lucky enough to talk my way out of a few tickets in the past. My suggestion for getting out of a ticket is to swallow your pride and suck up to that cop as much as you possibly can. They absolutely love to have their ego scratched. Show him that you're at his mercy and do not question his authority or argue about what you did. Don't play dumb, either, pretending you did nothing wrong will just offend him. Simply tell him that you're sorry, you know you messsd up and you will pay better attention next time so that it doesn't happen again.

This isn't a surefire way to get out of every ticket though, so you need to have a backup for when it doesn't work. If you can't avoid getting the ticket, you can certainly avoid paying for it by fighting it in court. Companies that specialize in providing defense against tickets can provide you with rock solid arguments for your case. It doesn't take an expensive lawyer to fight your ticket, just a little help from one of these companies so that you can defend yourself. Don't just let it go and pay your dues like most people do, those tickets can add up and give points on your record. Too many and you can actually get your license taken away. It's better to keep your record as clean as possible.

When you hear those too familiar sirens and see those flashing lights, don't get that sinking feeling. You do have a chance to get out of that ticket. First, try to avoid getting one in the first place by sweet talking the cop. If that doesn't work and you end up with a ticket, make sure you're prepared to fight it. You don't want to shell out a ton of cash or have the ticket on your record so fight it with a ticket fighting company's help.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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