Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Use Roadside Service to Help When You Get Into An Accident

I'm pretty sure that Roadside Service Redding CA knows my sister by name. She's constantly getting into accidents, driving off the road into and getting into just about any kind of car trouble you can think of. Her most recent accident, I must admit, was not mainly her fault. The roads were very bad. She lives in the middle of nowhere and the only way to reach civilization is to bare windy country roads, which are always the last to be cleared off in the event of a snowstorm.
Against all logic, she decided to travel through the snowy roads. Within ten minutes of driving at like 20 MPH, she had slid right off of the road and into a "snow ditch" as we like to call them. She mashed her front end up pretty bad and was quite jolted by the whole experience. She called my mother and me, frantic, screaming and crying and overall just plain terrified. A few nice strangers stopped by and tried to get her out but she was just plain stuck.
She repeatedly called us throughout the experiences with updates as she couldn't reach any of her family that lived nearby. The only thing we could do for her was call up a towing company, we couldn't risk getting ourselves into the same trouble she had
The roads were horrible and it was the weekend but the towing company we called made no excuses and wasted no time. They got to her and hooked up her car quite quickly. They towed her to the closest auto shop so that she could get her busted up front end fixed. The whole time, the tow workers were nice, very helpful and seemed to be the only ones who could calm her down from her panicked mood. They assured her that it happened all of the time and there was no reason to be upset. What mattered was that she was okay.
You never know when you’re going to need a towing company - if we could plan our car troubles, we'd just plan not to have any! When your car breaks down or you have an accident, make sure that you have a friendly, dependable and professional company to back you up (no pun intended!). It will help your horrid car experience be resolved much sooner and easier. Don't freak out in a bad car situation; just call a tow company to get you out!

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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