Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Locksmith Rescued My Sister From a Locked Closet!

Around the holidays, we share stories about the past and crazy things we did when we were kids. One of my favorite stories to tell is the one where my sister locked herself in our upstairs closet (she hates this story, of course) and had to call a Newton Locksmith. My parents were taking me to the doctor and my sister, who was twelve at the time, thought it was a great time to go snooping for Christmas presents. She went straight up to my parents' closet (which locks from the outside, though I don't know why!). When she got in, she shut the door behind her, just in case someone walked in, she could hide. I'm guessing that she accidentally turned the lock when turning the knob to open the door because after looking through all her presents, she tried to get out and the door wouldn't budge. She was locked in and immediately started freaking out!

I can't imagine how long it took her to think about calling a locksmith. She didn't want to call our parents because she knew she would get into big trouble for snooping out presents. Apparently, after some time of sitting in the closet crying, she whipped out her cell phone and searched the web for a lock smith's phone number. She called the first one she saw on Google and told them what had happened to her. A short time later, she heard someone yelling "Hello!" from downstairs. She yelled back "Yes, I'm up here"

When the locksmith got upstairs, I can't imagine his reaction when he found out all he had to do was turn the lock and his job was done. With perfect timing, my parents and I arrived home as he was just unlocking the room. My sister was yelling at him to leave, but he wasn't fast enough. My mom went upstairs and I heard her yell "Who is this?!" I ran upstairs to watch my sister explaining what she had done and why there was a strange man in the house.

Needless to say, my sister was in huge trouble for the whole ordeal. She was also rather shaken up because she thought she would be stuck in the closet forever. I still can't help but laugh, imagining how scared she was (and how she kind of deserved it). We look back and laugh while my sister is just thankful for having the locksmith. If only he had arrived a little bit earlier, she wouldn't have gotten into trouble!
This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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