Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bike Rentals: Best Way to Get Around In a Beach Town

In a high-speed, digital world, it's easy to forget about the beauty around us. Whether you live in a beach town or are vacationing in one some time soon, it's simply a shame to race through the town in a taxi. While our minds are stuck in fast mode, a better way to get around a beautiful beach town is to rent a bike. With a rental bike, like those available from Bike Rental Hermosa Beach, you get an outstanding experience. You can sightsee very easily, feel the beautiful weather and you use it on your own time, rather than waiting for a ride from a taxi! Even better, bike rentals are way cheaper than taxis!
When cruising around a beach town on bike, you get a full, unrestricted view of everything around you. You can go at your own pace and stop if you see something amazing, like dolphins hopping out of the water (I've happened to catch this many times on the beach, it's very cool to see!) You can see all the people in town (there's always some eye-candy at the beach), any cool attractions and you can stop at any store or restaurant when you want. In a taxi, you're just couped up and speeding past everything, which is a waste of the beautiful scenery.
Around the beach, the weather's usually pretty nice! I love to get out in the sun and feel the natural warmth. There's something really relaxing about just feeling the beach air. On a bike, you can feel the wind blowing in your hair while the sun keeps you warm. It's a great feeling and it's much better than sitting in a stuffy taxi while everyone else enjoys the weather.
One of my favorite things about bike rentals are that they're available whenever you need/want them. Since rental is so inexpensive, many people will just rent a bike out for a whole day and just come and go as they please. If they want to head to the beach, they can bike down, stay for a while and then head to lunch with friends. You don't have to call a taxi every time they want to go from A to B. They go when they're ready, no delays.
When looking for transportation around a beach town (or another small town), a great option is renting a bike. With a bike, you can avoid awful taxi drivers and their overpriced service! You also get to see the town, enjoy the weather and you can use your bike rental when you please. Many people would kill to be able to see a beautiful beach town so if you don't take the opportunity, you're really missing out!
This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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