Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Electronic Cigarettes Can Help You Quit Smoking

My mom was a smoker for twenty years. Up until recently, she had smoked every single day of her life from the time she was a teenager. My siblings and I had pleaded with her many times to quit and she tried several methods and medications but it never helped. Finally, she decided to buy electronic cigarettes and she hasn't smoked an actual cigarette in over a year. The electronic cigarettes were so helpful because they gave her the feeling of smoking without all of the negative health effects, the smell or the bother to those around her.
I'm so glad that my mom switched over to electronic cigarettes because they do not carry the horrible health consequences that tobacco cigarettes do. When my mom was smoking actual cigarettes, she would always be coughing and she never had an appetite. Now that she's switched over to electronic ones, she doesn't have the awful cough anymore and she's actually back to a normal weight. We don't feel so worried about cancer or lung disease anymore. We feel confident that our mother will be along for quite a bit longer.
Yet another wonderful aspect of the electronic cigarettes is that they do not have that awful, lingering smell. Everyone in our household would smell like smoke when we went out before because the smell was in every inch of our house, clothes and furniture. It was inescapable. Even though my mom was the one who smoked and caused the smell, I think she was the most embarassed one out of us all. Now, her clothes, hair and breath don't stink! She still gets the feeling of smoking but nobody has to smell the stench of it.
Something else my mom really likes about switching to electronic cigarettes is that she doesn't bother other people as much. When she smoked around people or in public, everyone saw her as inconsiderate and selfish. In reality, she was just addicted and couldn't help it. Now, she doesn't offend anybody with smoke or smell because the electronic cigarettes eliminate those problems.
My mom would still like to quit smoking altogether, but for now, her electronic cigarettes are at least a healthy option for the time being. We're all very happy that she made the switch because it seemed like she would never put those "cancer-sticks" down. Now, she uses electronic cigarettes which are much healthier for her, they don't smell and they don't bother anyone else. If you don't think you can quit smoking altogether, try electronic cigarettes. Your body and those around you will be thankful.
This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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