Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How Feng Shui Made My House a Home

A few years ago my sister introduced me to books on feng shui that she had been reading. Feng shui is an ancient system that's designed to make the most out of the energy in your home. To do this, you must take many steps to increase positive qi in your home which will promote positivity in your life. While the feng shui books were slightly complicated at times, I stuck to the system and now my home is the center of my life, I always feel comfortable and happy there. The books helped me de-clutter, spread positive energy and choose appropriate color schemes for my personality.
Feng shui stresses that clutter does nothing but hinder the positive energy in your house. Not only does it interfere with the spread of positive energy, it also stresses you out! When your environment feels cluttered, your mind does too. I was able to truly realize the importance of a clean, organized house and now it's absolutely necessary for my home to feel right!
The biggest purpose of feng shui is the spread of positive energy. A house should be filled with positivity so that everything and everyone in it can feed off of the positivity. A house filled with negative energy produces nothing but negative people. Feng shui books provide a number of ways to spread positive energy. Doing things as simple as moving my furniture around and adding more naturesque decor really added to my home's positive energy. Now, I feel relaxed as I walk through the door.
A wild thing that I learned through feng shui is that the color scheme in your house can affect your mood a great deal. Greens and blue promote calmness while reds and oranges promote spontaneity and excitement. I've ensured that my bedroom has a more relaxed color scheme while my kitchen is a little brighter. The colors in my house fit my personality, which is great... A calm, relaxed person should not have a home filled with bright colors and vice versa. Prior to feng shui, my walls were all white and that just promoted blandness!
Feng shui is not trusted by all but those who stick to it know how incredibly beneficial it can be. I've seen a positive change in my personality over the years, I feel calmer and more stable. I think a lot of it has to do with the stability and comfortability I feel in my home. I can't get enough of my homes positive energy! I owe it all to feng shui since books on the topic helped me to de-clutter, promote positive energy in my home and pick appropriate color schemes.
This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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