Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why Donate to Organizations that Help Veterans?

Whether you realize it or not, everyone in our country has a certain amount of debt. It’s not debt to a bank or a friend you never paid back… It’s debt to the men and women who have served our country to ensure it has remained safe for us to comfortably live our lives. While you’re not required to give them anything, they deserve it and often times, they really need it. You can donate a car to organizations that help veterans to help a veteran in need. The money from that car can go towards rent, food, and medical expenses of veterans in need. They helped you and now they need help in return.
Rent is a big issue for many veterans. It’s truly sickening to see so many veterans actually homeless, begging for food on the streets. We all know how difficult the economy has been and some veterans simply can’t find a source of income once they arrive home and end up struggling for even the cheapest of shelters. The least we can do is give a little donation to ensure that they’re not out sitting in the cold. All it takes is a simple car donation, no matter what shape the car is in. It can be sold to earn money to help get veterans back on their feet.
Veterans may also struggle to feed their families once they arrive home. The budget may be extremey tight and if they can actually afford rent, that may be all that they can afford. After fighting for our freedom, I think they deserve a good meal for their families. Afterall, many of these tough warriors are just like us, with partners and children to take care of.
Medical bills can be very tough for veterans as well. Too many sustain debilitating physical injuries or emotional trauma. These injuries require extensive service that may not always be covered by a military insurance plan. The injuries are sustained while they are fighting to protect us so I certainly think we have a responsibility to help pay for them.
Deep down, we all have at least some respect for the work of our veterans, even if we don't all agree on the wars they've fought in. They don't have to fight for our country, but they've chosen to. We don't have to help them out, either, but hopefully, we'll choose to. Car donations can help with their rent, food and medical bills. Many of them need our help and all of them deserve it. Do your part today with a simple car donation.

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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