Thursday, March 7, 2013

High Quality Shaving Tools

Anyone who has met my uncle is surprised by the things that he'll rant about. He loves to talk and when he does, I listen because although he never shuts up, most of what he says is valuable! He's a very smart man so when he started talking about shaving, I listened. Like many men who take pride in their grooming techniques, he chooses to shave with a routine of Pre shave, shaving soap, straight razor and after shave. He finds that these high quality products combine to give him the best shave possible. His favorite tool is his straight razor, which gives him a close shave, requires him to take better care in the process and provides a history of great performance.
My uncle finds that a straight razor is the best razor to get a close shave. Safety razors seem to leave stubble behind. They're so thin and flimsy, they're not built to handle the thick, coarse hair of a man's face. A straight razor, on the other hand, is a large tool that not only covers more surface area, it does a better job. The razor is a high quality, well-crafted piece designed to be the perfect tool.
Straight razors do carry a slight danger with them when handled irresponsibly, so they require the user to take better care in their shaving job. With safety razors, men are often urgently trying to get the job done. They swipe a few times this way, a few times that way and it's not unlikely to miss a few spots from such a quick job. With a straight razor, you must take your time and pay attention, so you do a much better job.
Straight razors have a beautiful history. They were the main tool used in barber shops for ages! They have gone through many styles and innovations so they are really in their prime, after so many years of changes. Safety razors are much newer and really have no history. They're just a simple, cheap tool with nothing special going on. Straight razors bring a whole slew of rich history with them and there's always a story to tell about the one you're using!
Straight razors were the main tool used to achieve a quality shave for a very long time. They were replaced with cheaper, safer versions but definitely not better ones. Some men still take pride in the old fashioned way and choose to use straight razors. They offer a very close shave, require an attention to detail and have a great history behind them. They're the highest quality tool for the important job of shaving!

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

1 comment:

  1. If you want a clean, smooth and close shave you should try a safety razor. The sharp blade of a safety razor can cut your beard easily. It can prevent razor burn. Safety razor reviews
