Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kroger's Birthday Cake Review

March is technically birthday month for our family... My sister's is the 1st, my step brother's is the 13th, mine is the 14th, my youngest brother's is the 15th (he'll be six years old!), my other brother's is the 17th, my mother's is the 20th and my aunt's is the 21st... I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but can you blame me? In otherwords, we pay the entire month's salary of everyone working in local bakeries, gift and party stores because my mother has always refused to make two children share a cake or party (I'm not complaining).
My sister's birthday comes first and we picked up a cake from Kroger's. It was just a premade cake sitting out in the little glass case and we thought it was cute and had "Happy Birthday Amber" added to it. If you're trying to decide where to buy your next birthday cake from, read on to find out what we thought of this one from Kroger's.
This cake was $18.99 which I think ridiculous since it probably costs about $3 to actually make. It was a standard size rectangular cake and served 7 of us with about 1/3 of it leftover. I will go ahead and assume is would serve about 10 people so that's $1.89 per person. When you think about it that way, it's not such a bad deal.
This cake is pretty cute for being premade but I found that just about everyone of the 15 in the case were pretty much the same design, just different colors. The flowers are rather cute but some people may want something a little more unique! I really did like the pink and purple gradient style that they did on this one, though, so I must give them props on that. If you like the design, you can head over to Kroger's to get one yourself. If you're looking for something a little different, well, they probably don't have it.
Another small detail to note is the writing. We asked the lady to take the cake back and scroll the writing on there and I'm not exaggerating when I say that she was back within a minute. To me, it just looks a little sloppy. Besides, what if we wanted the writng done in blue? She didn't ask us, nor did she ask how the name was spelled (Amber is common and probably easy to figure out, but you never know and should check to be sure). My mother is not picky at all so it didn't matter to her, but I always notice little details like that!
I was not excited for this cake because of all of the icing on it! I generally hate icing because almost everytime I eat a cake or cupcake with icing on it, it's that overly sugared, thick mush with the chemical aftertaste. I generally just say to people "I don't like icing" when they ask me why I'm wiping it off of my cupcake with a napkin.
When we were getting the cake out, I heard someone say "that... whipped cream" and my mom answered "Yeah, it's the whipped cream icing." At this point, I was intrigued since it's a generally accepted notion that whipped cream is delicious!
I asked my sister to cut me a small piece and I was hooked at first bite. When we were at the store, I pointed to a chocolate cake with strawberry goo drizzling down the sides and told my mom "Those cakes are cute but I want this one. It may be ugly, but it looks delicious." I took it back as soon as I got a taste of the delicious, fluffy, marbled (white with little chocolate strips) cake and the smooth, creamy icing that was so light, it only lifted the cake up. It was so much better than I expected and I was already waiting for my own birthday, where I could have a whole one all to myself! (You don't have to share on your birthday!) I'm just kidding, I'll share... maybe.
Overall, I have to swallow my preconceived notions about this cake. It's pricey and not the neatest I've seen, but it was so delicious, I'm willing to look past all of that. I would recommend purchasing your next birthday cake at Kroger. (For the record, this one is from the Kroger in Erlanger, KY on Dixie Highway)

1 comment:

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