Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Family Members Drive Hondas!

My mom, sister and I all drive Honda Civics. It's almost like they run in the family! My mom got one first, then my sister and I just followed suit. I chose to get one as well because my mom and sister both had such great experiences with them. I don't regret my choice and would never trade my Honda for another car because it's stylish, dependable and affordable for me. If you're looking for a great car that's easy to care for, check out the many stylish Hondas at
One thing I really love about my Honda is that it's stylish. I know that you're not supposed to judge a car on it's looks, but who wants to drive around in a lame car? Your car can make a very good or very bad impression on every that sees it, so it's important that it fits your personality. My Honda is stylish, like me, and shows my friends that I have good taste and care about my appearance!
More importantly, my Honda is very dependable. The dependability that my mother and sister both got out of their Hondas is what really drew me in. I don't think I've ever known my mom to have to take it into the shop (except after an accident she had on icy roads). My step-dad can easily change the oil when it's needed and other than that, it seems to take care of itself. As someone who doesn't know much about fixing cars up, I knew I wanted a Honda, requiring as little effort from me as possible! It's incredible how dependable Hondas are and how little maintenance they need.
Adding onto the style and dependability of a Honda, they're surprisingly inexpensive as cars go. You know some people spend hundreds of thousands on cars just for the name brand, but it's so unnecessary. Our Civics have served us well and we got great deals. They're well worth every penny, which can't say for some more expensive and lower quality vehicles. It's a key car for those on a budget who still want a car that will be dependable and aesthetically pleasing.
Hondas are great cars and I know from experience. We've had several within our family and each time a family member purchases a new car, they seem to navigate towards them because of the good they've done so far. They're very stylish, dependable and even affordable. There's nothing more I could ask for in a car. Considering all of the mistakes people make trying to find a good car for them, I'm glad that my family lead in the right direction, the Honda way!

This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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