Friday, March 15, 2013

How I Keep My Skin Clear and Beautiful

I've had many people comment on my clear skin. They always say something along the lines of "Oh, I wish MY skin was like yours! It's perfect!" They usually seem to be under the impression that it's all natural (I rarely wear makeup). However, that's not the case! I use a variety of products on my skin to keep it clean, clear and soft. If you'd like to find some products to help your skin, no matter what condition it's currently in, click here to view a great selection. My favorite products are peels, moisturizers and cleansers.
Peels are those funny things you see girls wearing all over their faces that are often green, brown or white creams. It's simple to use a peel, just apply a thin layer of the cream over your face, let it sit and dry for 10-15 minutes and then peel it off like dried, very thin paper. These peels can really suck up any nasty particles or chemicals clogging your pores, basically cleaning out your pores and letting them breathe. After all, dirty pores can cause blackheads and acne!
Moisturizers are also extremely important for keeping your skin in good condition. The sun, certain soaps and weather can dry out your skin. Dry skin may peel and it often looks very dull. Also, dry skin is the opposite of smooth skin and everybody loves smooth skin! Certain moisturizers also contain great vitamins that can increase skin elasticity and delay wrinkles and aging!
Cleansers are great to use both morning and night. In the morning, they're great to wake you up and get your skin ready for the day. At night, they take off all of your makeup and any dirt on the surface of your skin. This is crucial to keeping your skin clean, clear and soft. Not cleansing your skin can cause clogged pores.
I'll admit, I wasn't born with perfect skin. I've had my own issues, particularly dry skin! That being said, I have very nice skin today. I'm complimented on it all of the time! It's no miracle, I just use nice products like peels, moisturizers and cleansers to keep my skin in tip-top shape.
This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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