Friday, March 15, 2013

Protect Your Company's Money with Chargeback Protection

There are many things you must deal with when running a business and some of them, like charge backs, are not fun at all! Sometimes, a customer may decide to dispute your product or service with no real reason for it. It’s their own sneaky way of getting your product or service for free. They make a claim to their credit card company that you haven’t held up your end of the bargain and often, the card company takes the bait and attempts a chargeback. You have to be ready to defend these situations with chargeback protection to prevent money loss, a bad reputation and unnecessary time.
One of the worst effects of a chargeback is the loss of money. You may have sent the product out, or given your customer an outstanding product or service and now, they want to basically get it for free! With chargeback protection, you don’t have to worry. You have protection to ensure no faulty chargebacks are issued by banks trying to please their customers. If you did nothing wrong, then you don’t need to give back any money.
When a chargeback is issued, most customers and their friends see that as you admitting that you did something wrong. If you didn’t do anything wrong but allow the chargeback to happen, it makes it look like you did something wrong! That gives your company a bad reputation because people don’t want to have to worry about disputing a service or product with you and having to go through a charge back process. They will rather avoid you so they don’t have any trouble.
Dealing with chargebacks and trying to dispute them is time consuming. For something so small, it’s silly to waste so much time on it. With chargeback protection, it’s all taken care of. Chargebacks won’t be allowed in the first place so there’s nothing to dispute. You won’t have to fight to get money back that was wrongfully given back to the customer.
Chargebacks are pretty inavoidable. They're an unfortunate thing that businesses have to deal with. Some people are just willing to cheat you to get something for free. You need to have protection against possible chargeback situations so that you don't lose money, earn a bad reputation or lose time. With chargeback protection, the mess of chargeback claims are taken care of through serious prevention.
This is a sponsored post however, all the points and views are my own.

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