Friday, March 22, 2013

How to Have an Economical Easter

Easter is just a week away and sadly, many families are struggling to scrape up an Easter celebration. Here are a few ways to keep Easter traditions cheap this year!

Buy a Precooked Dinner
This may be surprising but you can often find precooked dinners with all of the fixings for a small family get together for less than a meal you cook yourself. Some local grocers provide meals with ham, rolls and your choice of sides for under $20. When we cook our own meals, there are many specific ingredients to purchase and that all adds up. We also tend to buy more than we need, and those leftovers that end up being thrown away are just wasted money.

Make Your Own Baskets
Premade Easter baskets are often all look and no product. You may pay $12 for a basket that's just a few plastic toys and some off-brand candy. When you make your own baskets, you can make something much more satisfying for less. I recommend buying a few packs of the $1 snack size candy bars and maybe some conscession box candy for each child. They can have a wide array for around $6!

Hide Real Eggs
Some families purchase 50 plastic eggs and fill them with candy for the egg hunt. This can get very pricey! With real eggs, you can get the same amount for less and you can actually use them afterwards. Put them in an egg salad or eat them as-is.

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